Privacy Policy

Information Security, FERPA, and Student Privacy


General Privacy Policy

The Ocean Corporation is committed to the concern for and protection of students’ rights and the privacy of in­formation, and carefully protects all personally identifiable information (PII) in our possession regarding students and their families, in accordance with this policy. The school has a single Privacy Policy that complies with both the Fed­eral Family Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), and the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act.  The Registrar is responsible for the privacy of student records and information, and for maintaining institutional compliance with this policy campus-wide.



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)

FERPA provides current and former students with the right to inspect and review educational records, the right to seek to amend those records, the right to limit disclosure of information from the records and the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education.  Students may also waive their rights under FERPA voluntarily under certain circumstances. The parent(s) of a dependent student also has this right to inspect certain records that are maintained by the school on behalf of the student.  An applicant becomes a “student” for the purposes of FERPA upon the earlier of the date the student begins instruction at the school or the date of the expiration of the 72-hour cancellation period prescribed in Texas Workforce Commission regulations.


Students’ Rights

Each student has the following rights under FERPA:

  • Right to Be Informed:  Students have the right to be informed about their rights under FERPA and GLB.  This policy details those rights and is published through the school’s website.
  • Right to Review Educational Records:  Students have certain rights with respect to their educational records. Students have the right to review their educational records within 45 days of the day the school receives a request for access. Students should submit to the school Registrar written requests that identify the record(s) they wish to inspect and the student will be notified of the time and place where the records may be inspected. If the records are not maintained in the office of the school Registrar, the Registrar will advise the student of the correct official to whom the request should be addressed.
  • Right to Request an Amendment:  Students have the right to request an amendment to the educational records that are believed to be inaccurate. They should submit a written request to the Registrar or the school official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate. If the school decides not to amend the record as requested by the student, the school will notify the student of the decision and advise the student of his or her right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  • Right to Consent to Disclosures:  Students have the right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s educational records, except to the extent that this policy authorizes disclosure without consent.
  • Right to File a Complaint:  Students have the right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures of the school to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The office that administers FERPA can be contacted at Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202-4605 or at the website:


The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLB)

provides consumers the right to the protection of their nonpublic Personally Identifiable Information (PII) in order to prevent identity theft and other related crimes. All individuals who provide PII to the school are protected under the Act.  The Act also requires publication of this “Privacy Policy”.


In general, the school will never release personal information provided by any student or prospective student (including information gathered through websites and web-applications) to any third party for marketing or advertising purposes, or for any other reason beyond those specifically addressed in this policy.


Information Security Practices

The school employs additional office procedures and password-protected computer systems to ensure the security of paper and electronic records.  The school does not disclose all of its security procedures to students or the general public to protect the effectiveness of those procedures.  Access to social security numbers is strictly limited to those School Officials (see definition below) with a need-to-know, as determined by the Compliance Officer and the Registrar.


Protection of Personally Identifiable Information

School Officials may not disclose personally identifiable information about a student nor permit inspection of their records without the student’s written permission, unless such action is covered by certain exceptions permitted under this policy, as follows:


A:  Information Available to a School Official  The student’s consent is not required when a School Official has a legitimate educational interest in the student’s educational record; that is, if the official needs to review this information in order to fulfill his/her professional responsibility. However, this does not constitute authorization to share that information with a third party without the student’s written consent.

A “School Official” is a person employed by the school in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research, or support staff position; a person or company with whom the school has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor or accrediting agency); a person serving on the Board of Directors; or a student serving in an official position/capacity or assisting a school official in performing his/ her tasks.


B:  Financial Aid Information: Certain information necessary for the processing of federal financial aid programs may be disclosed to parent(s) of dependent students.  In order for a person to be considered a “parent” for this purpose, the individual must be listed as such on the student’s FAFSA application.  Further, certain information necessary for the administration of Federal Student Aid may be released to federal and state agencies, government contractors, student loan servicers, and other parties.


C: Subpoenas:  The Ocean Corporation will release information to a court or other legal entity/jurisdiction based upon a valid subpoena. Administrative subpoenas may be forwarded to the school’s Attorney, who will authorize appropriate release of information.


D:  Emergency Release to Law Enforcement:  In cases where the health or safety of students and/or school employees may be in jeopardy, the President, Compliance Officer or other department manager may release any relevant information to law enforcement and/or emergency services personnel as may be deemed necessary and appropriate to the situation.

E:  Directory Information:  Certain information is not considered to be Personally Identifiable Information, and as such can be disclosed. This disclosable data is known as “Directory Information”.  The school has designated the following as Directory Information:

  • Student Name
  • Hometown
  • Curriculum (Program)
  • Enrollment Status
  • Dates of Enrollment
  • Certificates Received
  • Honors or Awards Received


Students who wish to restrict the release of directory information (high security) must notify the Registrar in writing within five (5) school days from the student’s first day of classes and provide specific instructions of the items that the student does not want disclosed.  If no notice is received by that date, the information will be classified as directory information.


Student Choice to Release Information

Students have a right to release information otherwise protected under the policy to persons of their choice.  Students who wish to permit the release of additional information to a specific person or persons must complete a Consent to Release Personal Information form for each person and submit it to the Registrar’s Office.

A student may also have a person or persons accompany him/her during an office visit.  If personal information is going to be discussed, the student will be asked whether he/she would like to discuss personal information with others present, and the staff member will receive verbal consent prior to continuing the conversation.


Request for Financial/Financial Aid Information by Agencies

The school cannot directly release financial need or any other financial aid information to outside agencies and/or organizations (scholarship providers, insurance companies, etc.)   If the student needs such information to be released, he/she must:


  • Be currently enrolled in a program (including students fully accepted/approved for enrollment/re-enrollment but awaiting class start).
  • Submit an original, signed release form from the requesting agency (with original student signature) which clearly lists the specific information to be released and the full name, address, and contact information of the agency or organization to which the information shall be released.

Upon completion of the form by the Financial Aid or Business Office, it will be returned to the student in a sealed envelope for self-delivery by the student to the agency.


Other Records-Related Issues

The school reserves the right to deny official transcripts or copies of other records not legally required to be released in the following situations:


  • The student has any unpaid financial or other obligations to the school.
  • There is unresolved disciplinary action against the student or unresolved litigation between the student and the school.



Privacy Policy – Revised 7/11/2018



The Ocean Corporation maintains very high standards for academic progress by our students. The school holds its students to these high standards because the employers of our graduates expect them to perform at the highest levels. Our graduates work in fields where mistakes or oversights caused by poor training could be dangerous or even deadly to themselves or their co-workers. The Ocean Corporation is proud of the success of its graduates and we will not compromise on the school’s academic standards, which have contributed to that success for over 40 years.



Both the Ultimate Diver Training Program and the Nondestructive Testing/Inspection Training Program are offered as a series of modules that are sequential in nature. Hence, students must successfully complete each module before progressing to the subsequent module. Student progress is measured both quantitatively (attendance and practical assignments) and qualitatively

(grading and examinations) during and at the conclusion of each module. Failure to meet the required academic standards in any module will prevent the student from progressing and result in dismissal from the program.



Students in the Ultimate Diver Training Program are allowed no more than ten (10) absences over the entire length of the program. Students in the Nondestructive Testing/Inspection Training Program are allowed no more than fifteen (15) absences over the entire length of the program. Students with absences exceeding ten (10) and fifteen (15) days, respectively, or ten (10) consecutive days of class for either program, whichever is reached first, will be academically dismissed. Furthermore, absences totaling more than 30% of any individual module will constitute an automatic failure of the module, resulting in an academic dismissal for the program. The Director of Training will monitor student attendance and consult with students who are having attendance issues.


The Ocean Corporation does not recognize leaves of absence due to the sequential nature of our program.



100 – 90 = 4.0 = A = Excellent

89 – 80 = 3.0 = B = Very Good

79 – 70 = 2.0 = C = Satisfactory

69 – 60 = 1.0 = D = Failing

59 & below = 0.0 = F = Failing


The Ocean Corporation uses a percentage scale in grading exams, where 100% is a perfect score and 70% is the minimum passing score (except for certain modules in which a higher minimum passing score is mandated by an outside entity). Practical evaluations are graded in a “pass/fail” format using a scale of 1 to 3 (3= superior, 2= passing, and 1= failing). Practical scores are not factored into the 70% average academic requirement.


A student who fails any examination has an opportunity to re-take the exam once within the following five (5) scheduled class days. Under no circumstance will a student be allowed more than one attempt at a re-take in any module. Any passing score on a re-take exam will be recorded as a final grade of 70% (or the applicable minimum passing score). Failure to achieve a passing score on a re-take examination within the following five (5) scheduled class days will constitute an automatic failure of that module, resulting in an academic dismissal from the program.


Since each module must be completed sequentially, a grade of “incomplete” is not available. In addition, students are not allowed to repeat a completed module and/or course for the purposes of attempting a higher grade, nor is it possible to withdraw from any module without being dismissed from the program. The Ocean Corporation does not offer non-credit remedial training. If a student re-enrolls after a failure/withdrawal in a module and subsequently receives a passing grade in the module, the previous failure will not be included in the student’s GPA calculation.


Coursework outside of classroom or practical instruction time is a critical part of the overall training (i.e., homework, reading assignments, research, etc.). Therefore, non-classroom time needs to be allotted to complete these assignments. All homework will be graded and will affect your GPA.


The maximum allowable time for graduation for the Ultimate Diver Training (Program 01) and the Nondestructive Testing/Inspection Training (Program 03) is one and one-half times the scheduled program length. (225 days/1128 hours/ 37.5 SCH) A student for whom completion of the program will be impossible within this time period will be denied re-admission.




This Academic Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility policy applies only to applicants/recipients of federal student aid and sets academic standards which a student must achieve to remain eligible for federal student aid. A student’s status for financial aid eligibility under this policy has no impact on the student’s status under the general Academic Policies and Standards of The Ocean Corporation, or vice versa.


Measurement Point:


(at end of payment period)

Minimum Cumulative


Grade Point Average

Cumulative Credit Hours


Earned/ Attempted

After 1st payment period


After 2nd payment period

Any subsequent payment period





50 percent


67 percent

67 percent



Additional “Maximum Timeframe” Standard:

Eligibility is also limited to students completing their programs within one and one-half times the normal program length. The maximum timeframe is reached when the student has attempted more than one and one-half times the number of hours required to graduate from his/her program. The maximum timeframe standard evaluation for transfer students will consider all “attempted credit hours” (see definition

below). Students who change programs may request that their maximum timeframe be re-calculated based solely on those hours that are applicable to the current program of study. A student whose attempted credit hours exceed the maximum timeframe standard will be placed upon Financial Aid Suspension without benefit of a warning payment period. A suspension based upon the maximum timeframe standard cannot be reversed under the “Regaining Eligibility Other Than through Appeal” section (below).


Definitions and Grading Policy: All issues of grading policy, Grade Point Average (GPA) calculation, attendance, etc. are calculated in accordance with the general academic policies of The Ocean Corporation.


Attempted Credit Hours:

All credit hours of instruction contained in any subject shall be considered “attempted”, regardless of grade received.  Additionally, all credits that were accepted for transfer or proficiency credit are considered “attempted’. A student who re-takes a previously failed subject after re-entry shall be deemed to have “attempted” the subject twice. In such circumstance, the student’s GPA will be calculated in accordance with academic policy.


Earned Credit Hours:

Upon receipt of a passing grade for a subject, a student shall be deemed to have “earned” all credit hours in that subject. Further, all credits that were accepted for transfer or proficiency credit are also considered “earned”.


Return after an Absence:

A student who returns after a withdrawal, dismissal, or other absence of 180 calendar days or less, shall be evaluated in the same manner as if the absence had not occurred, with the exception of any necessary changes to the start and end dates of planned payment periods. A student, who returns after a withdrawal, dismissal, or other absence of more than 180 days, shall be measured in a manner consistent with a transfer student (see below).


Transfer Students:

Accepted transfer credit shall be considered as completed coursework for purposes of this policy. However, since no grades are assigned to transfer courses, they will not impact the students GPA. Payment periods for transfer students shall be defined individually based upon the remaining period of instruction.


Timing of Evaluations and Evaluation Process: Academic Progress for Financial Aid Eligibility shall be measured at the end of each payment period. Hence, students continued eligibility for financial aid in a subsequent payment period shall be dependent upon his/her academic record as of the end of the previous payment period.


Financial Aid Warning Status:

Financial aid applicants/recipients who fail to meet the standards defined above will be placed on Financial Aid Warning Status for the following payment period. Students in Financial Aid Warning Status remain eligible for federal student aid.


Financial Aid Suspension:

If a student has not returned to “good” academic standing (according to the chart) by the end of the Financial Aid Warning Status payment period, the student will be placed on Financial Aid Suspension and will lose eligibility for federal student aid from that point forward. Financial Aid Suspension and the resulting loss of eligibility may be subject to appeal (see below).


Data Corrections:

If a student’s academic record is changed subsequent to the evaluation date, a student may submit a written request to the Financial Aid Office for re-evaluation of the student’s academic status/aid eligibility.


Mitigating Circumstances Appeal:

A determination of loss of eligibility for federal financial aid (Financial Aid Suspension) may be appealed based on mitigating circumstance(s). A mitigating circumstance is defined as an exceptional or unusual event(s) beyond the student’s direct control, which contributed to or caused the academic difficulty. Examples include: the death of a relative, an injury or illness of the student, or other special circumstances. Appeal letters should be addressed to the Financial Aid Officer and must include a complete description of the circumstances that led to the academic difficulty, how those circumstances have changed, and a plan for future academic success. Copies of supporting documentation must be included.  All appeals are reviewed by a committee of academic and administrative staff whose determination is final.


A student for whom a mitigating circumstance appeal is approved will be placed in Financial Aid Probation Status for one payment period. If the student has not returned to good academic standing (according to the chart) by the end of a probationary payment period, the student will lose eligibility for future financial aid (Financial Aid Suspension).


Regaining Eligibility Other Than Through Appeal: Students who have lost federal financial aid eligibility may potentially regain academic eligibility by one or more of the following methods: 1) make up the academic deficiencies at The Ocean Corporation without benefit of federal financial aid, and/or 2) be accepted into a different academic program at The Ocean Corporation, if the re-evaluated student’s record (based upon the courses applicable to the new program) will be in compliance with all academic standards.


In each of the circumstances listed above, approval is at the discretion of the Director of Training. Students for whom program completion will not be mathematically possible within the Maximum Timeframe Standard (see above) will not be approved for regained federal financial aid eligibility.


Return to Good Standing:

Once a student has returned to good academic standing, any previous academic difficulty, warning, or probation shall have no future bearing on the student’s status. Hence, such students will have benefit of all provisions of this policy, including a warning payment period.



Campus security and safety are important issues for students and their families. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), provides students and families, as higher education consumers, with the information they need to make informed decisions. The Cleary Act requires that institutions disclose institutional safety and security policies, along with statistics for offenses committed on campus. The statistical information is a compilation of data reported in the campus records and incidents that were reported to local law enforcement agencies. Crime statistics are disclosed each year for the previous three calendar years.


This web page and the included links constitute the Annual Security Report (ASR) for The Ocean Corporation. The ASR includes statistical information regarding certain crimes, misdemeanors, and student conduct violations which occurred on the campus or other locations associated with the school during the prior three calendar years; along with pertinent policies, procedures, information, and resources regarding safety-related topics such as crime prevention, sexual assault prevention/reporting, school notification systems, and incident reporting.  668.46(b) (general)


Publication/Notification of the Report

The ASR is published and available to any interested person here on the school’s website. The crime statistics data is also reported to the U.S. Department of Education and made available (along with the data for all other schools nationwide) at the College Navigator Website operated by The National Center for Education Statistics.

The National Center for Education Statistics – College Navigator website

Additionally, new and prospective new students are notified of the location of the Annual Security Report and the direct URL address of the ASR web page (along with the other mandatory consumer information) through the School Catalog, and through disclosure procedures utilized by the Admissions Office as part of the application process.  Notice of the location and content of the ASR is also provided at an informational presentation which is part of the new student orientation process.


New employees are informed of the existence and location of the ASR (along with other consumer information published on the school’s web site) as part of the hiring process, and an email notice of the ASR (including the direct URL address for the ASR web page) is sent to all current employees annually.



The Ocean Corporation operates one campus.  For purposes of Campus Security data collection and reporting, the following definitions apply:   668.46(a) and 668.46(d)


  • Campus – All of the buildings and grounds of the school at 10840 Rockley Road, including the student parking area which is accessible from South Street.
  • Non-campus property – The school does not maintain or recognize off-site facilities which would be defined as “non-campus property”.
  • Public property – Statistical data is also collected, maintained and reported for certain areas directly adjacent to school’s property which are routinely used by students; including the public street, sidewalks, and green space directly in front of 10840 Rockley Road and the right-of-way easement (drainage area) that runs between the campus facilities and the student parking lot.
  • Incident – A crime or illegal activity, serious accident, injury requiring immediate medical attention, occurrence requiring the response of EMS and/or law enforcement personnel, or any other event for which reporting is mandated under the Clery Act (see “Annual Security Report”, above).
  • Campus Security Authority – The school does not maintain a security or police force.  The Campus Security Authority (CSA) for the entire school is the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer; who is responsible for oversight and enforcement of this policy.  This individual is responsible for training and appointing other employees to serve as the CSA (including responding appropriately to emergencies) in his/her absence. The first alternate to the CSA shall be the Director of Student Services, followed by the Director of Training. 668.46(g)(4)
  • Title IX Coordinator – The school official who is responsible for administering the school’s procedures for preventing gender-based discrimination. This individual is also assigned certain additional responsibilities by the school in regard to other types of discrimination and to allegations of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.  Any individual wishing to report such an incident, or any allegation of sexual discrimination or harassment, should speak with the Business Office Director, who serves as the school’s Title IX Coordinator. The alternate in the absence of the Title IX Coordinator shall be the Director of Student Services.


Campus Security Statistics

668.46(b)(1) and 668.46(c)


The crime statistics data is available (along with the data for all other schools nationwide) at the College Navigator Website operated by The National Center for Education Statistics.

The Ocean Corporation Crime Statistics


Notes on Creation of the Crime Statistics Data

The data used in the reports is compiled and submitted to the U.S. Department of Education annually by the Business Office Director.  Data from internal Incident Report Forms is cross-referenced and combined with external public-record data requested from local law enforcement authorities in the creation of the crime statistics.   668.46(b)(2)(ii)


Be Aware, Stay Alert!

Since crime can occur anywhere and at any time, it is our sincere hope that you will read this policy and follow the included guidelines. If you suspect a crime has been committed, notify the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer or any member of the faculty or staff.  If you witness a crime or other emergency in-progress, call 9-1-1 to alert local law enforcement agencies, and then notify the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer or any member of the faculty or staff.


While the School employs electronic security systems, there is no such thing as a fail-safe security system. Even the most elaborate security precautions are not a guarantee against crime. The best safety measures are the ones you perform using common sense.  You should always remain alert and aware of your surroundings.  Secure your vehicles and do not leave valuables in your car.  Do not leave your personal items unattended.  Avoid walking alone, particularly after dark.  Again, be cautious, use good sense, look after your friends and classmates, and immediately report suspicious activity to a member of the faculty or staff.    668.46(b)(5)


Emergency Response System and Procedures

668.46(b)(13) and 668.46(g)(all) If a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurs, students and employees will be notified (if appropriate) through the Emergency Response System (ERS). The ERS and any related notifications will be will be managed by the Campus Security Authority (CSA). (Please refer to the “Definitions:” Section, above for more information on the CSA).  668.46(g)(4)


Prior to initiating the ERS, the Campus Security Authority (CSA) will confirm that a bona fide emergency exists, determine the appropriate segment(s) of the campus community to receive notification (including the larger community other than students and employees), determine the appropriate method(s) of communication, and determine the message content (if applicable).  668.46(g)(2) and 668.46(g)(5)


The CSA will take these actions without delay – unless in his/her judgment such notice would compromise efforts to assist a victim or to contain, respond to, or otherwise mitigate the emergency.   668.46(g)(3)


Generally, the decision to activate the ERS will cause the CSA to promptly make an announcement via The Ocean Corporation’s text message alert system, by direct communication (senior staff dispatched throughout the building/grounds), and/or other situationally-appropriate means (to best protect the health and safety of students and employees).  668.46(g)(1)


The Emergency Response System (ERS) may be used to order an emergency evacuation of the building.  All students, instructors, and staff must immediately evacuate the building when instructed to do so.  The ERS may also be used to alert the campus community to a report of a dangerous intruder on campus. In this case, students and employees should either find a secure area in which to hide or quickly evacuate and proceed to a safe distance away from the building and grounds.


The Emergency Response System procedures will be tested at least once each year. ERS procedure tests (other than fire drills) will always be announced in advance to prevent the creation of unnecessary anxiety or false 9-1-1 calls. As part of the announcement procedure, the CSA will publicize the school’s emergency response and evacuation procedures (in conjunction with at least one test each year), and create and maintain documentation of the test (including a description of the exercise, the date, the time, and whether and how it was announced).   668.46(g)(6)(i), (ii), and (iii)


Timely Notification of Security Issues

In addition to emergency warnings, the Campus Security Authority (CSA) will provide a timely warning to the campus community of any known occurrences of crime in the immediate campus vicinity that are reported to campus officials or local police agencies and are considered to represent a threat to students and employees.  If the school is aware of such a crime or pattern of crimes, the school will make an announcement via The Ocean Corporation’s text message alert system.  If appropriate, the CSA may also post paper notices in various locations, including student and employee bulletin boards.  These bulletin board notices will remain in place for ten days, or longer if school management feels a continuing threat remains.  The school will not necessarily re-notify the community for threats that were handled through the Emergency Response System (above), unless the CSA believes that a continuing or long-term threat remains.  668.46(b)(2)(i), 668.46(e)(1), and 668.46(e)(3)


Incident Reporting

Except for planned emergency drills, any employee or student observing or having knowledge of a criminal act or other emergency situation should first contact appropriate local emergency response personnel by calling 9-1-1.  Students witnessing any such event should also report it immediately to any senior instructor or staff member, who will immediately contact the Campus Security Authority.


For non-emergency events, students may submit an Incident Report Form to the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer or the Director of Student Services.  Blank forms can be downloaded from the link above, or obtained from the Main Reception Desk or the Financial Aid Office. Students wishing to maintain confidentiality may submit an Incident Report Form anonymously, or may request a private, confidential meeting with the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer or the Director of Student Services.


Employees of the school are required to report any incident (see definition above) in which they have been involved or which they have witnessed on the campus or on the public areas adjoining the campus.  Incidents will be reported on an Incident Report Form and forwarded immediately to the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer (or other available senior official as appropriate).


Copies of all Incident Report Forms will be maintained by the Financial Aid Officer/Compliance Officer for use in data compilation for the Annual Security Report.  Forms for the previous five calendar years will be archived for audit purposes.  668.46(b)(2)(i) and 668.46(b)(2)(iii)


Security of, and Access to, Campus Facilities

Students should only be on the campus (see definition above) during scheduled school hours, or while attending to other legitimate academic or administrative functions at The Ocean Corporation.  All visitors are required to sign in with the front desk.  Students and visitors are discouraged from socializing, loitering, or gathering in the building, in the non-campus areas, or in the adjacent public areas after the end of their class day.  Further, students are prohibited from being on the campus at any time when the school is not open and staff are not present.


Security is an ongoing concern of all staff and instructors. Each staff member and instructor is expected to be security-conscious and vigilant at all times.  All security violations, including unauthorized visitors, should immediately be reported to the Compliance Officer or other senior official (see “Incident Reporting”, above).  668.46(b)(3)


Law Enforcement and Security Personnel

The Ocean Corporation does not maintain a law enforcement department or security personnel. While all employees are expected to be conscious of security and assist with protecting the safety of students and their fellow employees, no employee has any specific authority to perform law enforcement functions or to make arrests (beyond that of an ordinary citizen).  All requests for law enforcement and security assistance are handled by local law enforcement agencies, primarily the Houston Police Department.  668.46(b)(4)(i) and (ii)


The Campus Security Authority (CSA) is responsible for ensuring that all crimes occurring on campus are reported to the appropriate local law enforcement agency, and for encouraging victims of crimes outside of the campus to make appropriate reports as well.  668.46(b)(4)(iii)


Informational Programs on Campus Security

The Ocean Corporation is concerned about the safety of its students, instructors and staff.  Toward that goal, an extensive Campus Security Program has been created to maintain a level of awareness among students and employees.


An instructional session is provided during new student orientation that explores this policy, the Campus Security Program, and the school’s security procedures. These sessions are designed to promote awareness of crime and crime prevention, understanding of the ASR, and awareness/prevention of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.  During these sessions, students and employees are informed of the school’s campus security policies and procedures, and are told about good practices in crime prevention (including a broad range of topics, from securing their autos and other personal property to  awareness/prevention of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking).  These sessions also cover institutional procedures for reporting a crime, emergency, or other incident. Similar sessions are provided to new employees, either in conjunction with the student sessions or separately. 668.46(b)(5), 668.46(b)(6), and 668.46(b)(11)


Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness

The Campus Security Program is a broad-based campaign of crime awareness and prevention. In particular, the program emphasizes awareness/prevention of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The campaign builds upon the awareness and vigilance of the staff and faculty, by using presentations, posters, brochures, bulletin board postings, text messages and other reminders to maintain general awareness and promote safe practices in the prevention of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. The general campaign is managed by the Director of Student Services, who also serves as the alternate Title IX Coordinator. Students with suggestions, ideas, and/or a willingness to volunteer to assist in the school’s efforts are encouraged to contact the Student Services Office.   668.46(b)(11)(i) and 668.46(j)(all)


Scope of Awareness Programs

The School’s Campus Security Program is designed to educate and promote awareness and prevention of all crime, and particularly dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking.   668.46(j)(all)


Toward that end, the School’s Campus Security Program provides prevention and awareness programs for all incoming students and new employees, which includes: 668.46(j)(1)(i) and (j)(3)


  • A clear statement the School’s policy, which specifically prohibits the crimes of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. 46(j)(1)(i)(A)
  • A review of the definitions of “dating violence,” “domestic violence,” “sexual assault,” and “stalking” in the State of Texas. Sexual Assault is a crime under Texas State law.  This link will take you to a website with the current text of the Texas State Sexual Assault Statutes. 46(j)(1)(i)(B)
  • An explanation of the definition of “consent”, with regard to sexual activity, in the State of Texas. Texas – Definition of “Consent” 46(j)(1)(i)(C)
  • A description of safe and positive options for bystander intervention.  46(j)(1)(i)(D)
  • Information on risk reduction and strategies for crime prevention. 46(j)(1)(i)(E)
  • Information about the School’s disciplinary policies and procedures related to accusations of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking, including its policies and procedures to be followed when a crime occurs, and for protection of the identity of alleged victims. 46(j)(1)(i)(F)


Prevention is Key

With regard to sexual assault, good sense safety practices are your best defense.  There are sufficient instructors, staff, and students present in the building at all times during business hours to make a sexual assault on campus unlikely, but not impossible.  Remember to remain aware of your surroundings, do not walk alone outdoors (especially at night), do not enter areas of the building to which you are not authorized, and do not feel compelled to enter any secluded location or any situation which makes you uncomfortable.


If you see someone who does not belong on our campus (particularly someone who may pose a threat to you or other students/employees), inform a staff or faculty member immediately.


If you are a victim of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; you have rights under the law and under this policy. It is important that you take positive action to ensure that your safety is protected and that your rights are preserved if an incident has already occurred. 668.46(b)(11)(ii)


  • Preserving Evidence: Whether you are a victim, a witness, or a person who assists the victim after an incident, it is important to preserve evidence if possible. For example, it is normal for a victim to want to clean up their person and the area in which the incident occurred.  It is a better idea to summon the police and/or seek medical attention first, since washing/cleaning may destroy evidence that could be critical later.  46(b)(11)(ii)(A)
  • Reporting an Offense: It is always strongly recommended that victims report any incident to the local police department. Even if the alleged incident is not technically a “crime”, establishment of a legal record of the event is important. Incidents which occur on The Ocean Corporation campus (or during an off-campus event controlled by the School) should be reported to the Financial Aid Director (or alternate manager) using the Incident Reporting process (see above). 46(b)(11)(ii)(B)
  • Options Regarding Reporting: Although it is highly recommended that a victim report all incidents to local police, it is the victim’s option to decline to notify the authorities. If a victim of an incident is hesitant to contact authorities, the school will assist the victim to notify proper law enforcement authorities if desired. 46(b)(11)(ii)(C)
  • Orders of Protection: The school will always respect the rights of victims, including being vigilant when notified by a student/employee of any order of protection, “no-contact” orders, restraining orders, or similar lawful orders issued by a court of competent jurisdiction. 46(b)(11)(ii)(D)
  • Requesting Protective Measures/ Changes to Circumstance: The School will make reasonable accommodations or provide reasonable protective measures to alleged victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking, which may include changes to academic and working situations or other protective measures. The institution will make such accommodations or provide such protective measures if the victim requests them and if they are reasonably available, regardless of whether the victim chooses to report the crime to the Campus Security Authority or local law enforcement. Such accommodations can be requested through the Title IX Coordinator.   46(b)(11)(v)
  • Written Notice: This document (Annual Security Report) serves as written notice of the rights and options of alleged victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; describes the administrative and disciplinary proceedings that will be followed by the School when an incident is reported; and provides notification to students and employees about existing counseling and other services available in the community for victims.  A printed copy of this ASR will be provided to any individual upon request.  46(b)(11)(iv),  668.46(b)(11)(v), and 668.46(b)(11)(vii)



The School will protect the confidentiality of victims, accusers, accused persons, and other necessary parties.  No employee of the School will disclose the names or any other details of any alleged incident to the public, the media, or any individual or entity other than as necessary to provide testimony as a witness to any law enforcement authority, legal/court proceeding, or any investigation conducted by the School.  668.46(b)(11)(iii)


Specifically, the School will protect confidentiality by:


  • Limiting access to information about any on-going or completed investigation to those employees and other individuals with a “need to know” for legitimate administrative purposes,
  • Not including any personally identifying information in any publicly available recordkeeping, including Clery Act reporting and disclosures, and 46(b)(11)(iii)(A)
  • Maintaining as confidential any accommodations or protective measures provided to the victim, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of the School to provide the accommodations or protective measures. 46(b)(11)(iii)(B)


Access to Victim’s Services

The Ocean Corporation does not provide counseling services directly to victims of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; but will attempt to provide referral to local agencies that provide counseling, medical, legal, victim’s advocacy, and other support services.  The Title IX Coordinator can provide referral information, and will assist alleged victims to locate appropriate services in the local area.  668.46(b)(11)(iv)


Sexual Assault is a crime under Texas law.  This link will take you to a website with the current text of the Texas Sexual Assault Statute.


The Ocean Corporation does not provide counseling services directly to victims of sexual assault, but will attempt to provide referral to local agencies that provide counseling and other support services.  One such agency is The Houston Area Women’s Center. They can be contacted at:


Houston Area Women’s Center

1010 Waugh Drive

Houston, TX  77019

24 Hour Sexual Assault Hotline: (713) 528-RAPE (7273)


Disciplinary Procedures

668.46((b)(11)(vi) and 668.46(k)(general) The following procedures apply to institutional disciplinary action in cases of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking.


Any student wishing to file a complaint regarding a case of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking should contact the Title IX Coordinator (Business Office Director).  Also, if any alleged incident in these categories is otherwise reported to the Campus Security Authority, he/she will report the alleged incident to the Title IX Coordinator.


Upon receipt of a complaint from any student or employee regarding a case of alleged dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, or stalking; the Title IX Coordinator will review the alleged situation and decide whether the allegation is relevant to this procedure. The Title IX Coordinator will recuse himself/herself if he/she has any conflict of interest regarding the accuser or the accused, and the President will appoint a different employee to conduct the investigation.  668.46(k)(3)(i)(C)


Relevant cases must meet the following criteria:


  • The accuser (alleged victim) must have been a student or employee of the school, or a visitor who was physically on the campus, (see definition above) at the time of the alleged incident.
  • The accused (alleged perpetrator) must be a current student or employee of the school, and have been a student or employee of the school at the time of the alleged incident.


If the case is deemed relevant to this disciplinary procedure, the Title IX Coordinator will first conduct a complete investigation. The investigation will include interviewing witnesses (and creating summary reports of those interviews), collecting copies of all available video evidence, collecting all available documentation (including copies of police reports, if any) and any other information which may be relevant and useful. The investigation shall be completed as quickly as possible, but generally no more than ten business days from the filing of the complaint.  668.46(k)(1)(i)


Upon collection and review of the evidence, the Title IX Coordinator will make a recommendation to the President regarding his/her judgement regard the validity of the accusation, the guilt/innocence of the accused, and a proposed disciplinary measure (if appropriate) based upon that judgement. Such judgement will be based upon the preponderance of the available evidence. The Title IX Coordinator may also judge that the original charges were false, in which case the accuser may be subject to discipline for filing a false complaint, or that there is insufficient evidence with which to draw a conclusion.  668.46(k)(1)(ii)


The President will make the final decision the guilt or innocence of the accused, and on any disciplinary action to be taken, based upon a thorough review of the evidence presented by the Title IX Coordinator and considering his/her recommendation(s). The President may also choose to interview both the accused and the accuser.  Maximum sanctions include the following:


  • Charges deemed likely to be true based upon available evidence: Disciplinary dismissal of the accused,
  • Insufficient Evidence: No disciplinary action. (Possible limitations placed on future contact between accused and accuser), or
  • Charges deemed false: Disciplinary dismissal of the Accuser.


The decision of the President is final and not subject to appeal.  668.46(k)(2)(v)(B) and (C)


Regardless of whether a disciplinary sanction is imposed, the President will make reasonable accommodations for the accuser to minimize contact with the accused, including possible schedule changes for a student.  668.46(k)(1)(iv)


All disciplinary proceedings under this section shall:

  • Include a prompt, fair, and impartial process from the initial investigation to the final result; 46(k)(2)(i)
  • Be conducted by officials who, at a minimum, receive annual training on the issues related to dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and on how to conduct an investigation and hearing process that protects the safety of victims and promotes accountability;46(k)(2)(ii)
  • Provide the accuser and the accused with the same opportunities to have an advisor of their choice present during any interview or related meeting. The advisor may be any individual who provides the accuser or accused support, guidance, or advice, without restriction by the school (the school may establish restrictions regarding the extent to which the advisor may participate in the proceedings, as long as the restrictions apply equally to both parties); 46(k)(2)(iii), 668.46(k)(2)(iv), and 668.46(k)(3)(ii)
  • Provide simultaneous notification, in writing, to both the accuser and the accused, of the result of the disciplinary proceeding; The notification will also include the rationale for the result and the sanctions imposed (if any).  46(k)(2)(v)(A) and 668.46(k)(3)(iv)
  • Be completed within reasonably prompt timeframes, allowing for the extension of timeframes for good cause with written notice to the accuser and the accused of the delay and the reason for the delay; 46(k)(3)(i)(A)
  • Be consistent with the institution’s policies and transparent to the accuser and accused;46(k)(3)(i)(B)(1)
  • Includes timely notice of meetings at which the accuser or accused, or both, may be present;46(k)(3)(i)(B)(2)
  • Provides timely and equal access to the accuser, the accused, and appropriate school officials to any information that will be used to make a judgement; 46(k)(3)(i)(B)(3)
  • Shall be conducted by officials who do not have a conflict of interest or bias for or against the accuser or the accused; and 46(k)(3)(i)(C)
  • Be separate from and independent of any communications and meetings between school officials and accusers concerning accommodations or protective measures to be provided to a victim or alleged victim. 46(k)(3)(iii)


Compliance with the procedures outlined in this section does not constitute a violation of Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).   668.46(l)


Other Safety Policies and Related Topics


Houston Registered Sex Offender Information

The State of Texas maintains a database of registered sex offenders in the state.  The information is available through the Texas Department of Public Safety – Public Sex Offender Registry website. 668.46(b)(12)


Drug and Alcohol Policy

The Ocean Corporation Drug and Alcohol Policy prohibits the possession or use of illegal controlled substances on the school’s premises or at any school-related activity. In that regard, the Drug and Alcohol Policy is considered part of this Campus Security Policy. The Drug and Alcohol Policy is posted to The Ocean Corporation website and includes: policies regarding the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs; enforcement of State laws regarding the possession, use, and sale of alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs; and a description of available drug- and alcohol-abuse education programs.   668.46(b)(8), 668.46(b)(9), and 668.46(b)(10)


Weapons Policy

Under the Texas Concealed Handgun License Law, possession of a handgun is prohibited on school premises without written permission of the school. Violators are subject to arrest and prosecution. Further, possession of a handgun, rifle, shotgun, or any other type of weapon is prohibited on school premises or at any other location when participating in a school-sponsored activity or otherwise representing the school as a student. Further, the brandishing of any tool, piece of equipment, supply, or any other item as a weapon is considered equivalent to possession of a prohibited weapon under this policy.


Other Prohibited Activities

Fighting, gambling, or any other behaviors that are illegal and/or interfere with the ability of other students to learn are forbidden on school property or at any school-related activity.


Retaliation Prohibited

The Ocean Corporation specifically prohibits any officer, employee, or agent of an institution from any action to retaliate, intimidate, threaten, coerce, or otherwise discriminate against any individual for exercising his/her rights or responsibilities under any provision in this policy.   668.46(m)


Security Regulations/Procedures Which Are Not Applicable at The Ocean Corporation

The Ocean Corporation does not maintain a law enforcement or security department and thus does not maintain a “Crime Log”.  Hence, such a log is not available for public inspection.  668.46(f)(all)


The Ocean Corporation does not maintain dormitories or other student housing facilities, and hence does not have a policy regarding the disappearance of students in-residence (missing student notification). 668.46(b)(14) and 668.46(h)(all)


The Ocean Corporation does not recognize any fraternities, sororities or other off-campus student clubs or organizations.  Hence the school does not have a policy for monitoring and recording criminal activity at such locations.  668.46(b)(7)


The Ocean Corporation does not employ professional counselors, psychologists, or pastoral counselors. School staff may assist students and fellow employees in locating such services in the local community. 668.46(b)(4)(iv) and 668.46(c)(8)


The Ocean Corporation maintains only one campus. Although students may be required to visit other facilities as part of their training program, the school does not own, lease, operate, or control any of those facilities.  Hence, this Annual Security Report, including all statistics reported, are exclusive to the school’s campus at 10840 Rockley Road in Houston, Texas.  668.46(d)


Printed Copy upon Request

Although this Annual Security Report (ASR) is published electronically via the school’s website, the law requires that a printed copy be distributed to any student, prospective student, or prospective employee upon request.  Any member of the staff receiving such a request may print a copy of the appropriate webpage and distribute the document, or may refer the inquirer to the Compliance Officer (or designee).



The Ocean Corporation prohibits the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students and employees on its property or as part of any of its activities.



The company is concerned about the use of alcohol at their facilities.This concern is limited to the effect that the use of alcohol has on the student’s performance; it is not concerned with social drinking. Use, and particularly abuse, of alcohol adversely affects a student’s efficiency, safety and health, and therefore seriously impairs his/her performance.In addition, it constitutes a potential danger to the welfare of other students, and exposes the company to risks of property loss or damage, or injury to other persons.

For purposes of this policy, a student shall be considered “on the facilities” whenever he/she is:

  • On company property, including parking lots.
  • Riding as a passenger in a company vehicle.
  • On field trips or on open water sessions.


The possession and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages on company property is strictly prohibited, except that limited amounts may be made available and consumed at social functions on company property which are scheduled with the permission of an officer of the company. After such social functions all alcohol remaining is to be removed from the premises.



  • Any student who possesses, uses, or is under the influence of alcohol while on company facilities is subject to discipline, up to and including summary dismissal and prosecution for violations of the Standards of Conduct.
  • Any employee who is under the influence of alcohol while on company facilities is subject to disciplinary action.


The Ocean Corporation will encourage and assist employees with chemical dependencies (alcohol) to seek self-help treatment.


The company is concerned about the use, possession, distribution, purchase or sale of illegal drugs and controlled substance in/on the company facilities.Such activities interfere with an individual’s ability to perform safely and may adversely impact the safety of others.


The words “controlled substance” in this policy shall be taken to include all chemical substances or drugs listed in any controlled substances acts or regulations applicable under any federal, state or local laws of the U.S.Most controlled substances fall under the following categories:

  • Stimulants, which speed up central nervous system activity, e.g. amphetamines, cocaine and similar drugs.
  • Depressants, which relax central nervous system activity, e.g. narcotics, barbiturates and similar drugs.
  • Hallucinogens, which change perception and consciousness, e.g. marijuana, hashish, LSD and similar drugs.
  • Delirients, which cause mental confusion and disorientation, e.g. glue, solvents, aerosol sprays and similar drugs and substances.

Furthermore, the use of certain prescription drugs and/or over-the-counter drugs may also, in certain circumstances, affect an individual’s performance and seriously impair his/her abilities.



  • The distribution, sale or purchase of a controlled substance while on the company facilities.(See definition in alcohol section).
  • Possession or use of, or being under the influence of, a controlled substance while on company facilities, except when under a doctor’s direction when such use will not impair the individual’s ability to perform.

The use of other drugs, including prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs, when such use may impair the individual’s ability to perform or may affect the safety or well being of others.


  • Any student who violates the above prohibitions or is otherwise in violation of the Standards of Conduct is subject to discipline up to and including disciplinary dismissal.
  • Any student convicted on a charge of illegal possession, use, or sale of any controlled substance while off company facilities may be subject to discipline up to and including summary dismissal at the discretion of the company.
  • Any employee who possesses, uses, or is under the influence of illegal controlled substances while on company facilities or at a company-sponsored event is subject to disciplinary action, including termination of employment.


The Ocean Corporation will encourage and assist employees with chemical dependencies (drugs) to seek self-help treatment.


Drug Testing: Urine testing of students shall be conducted under the following circumstances:


  • When there is a reasonable suspicion that a student is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. “Reasonable suspicion” is a belief based on objective and coherent facts sufficient to lead a prudent person to suspect that the student is under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  • When a student is found in possession of alcohol or suspected illicit drugs, or when alcohol or suspected illicit drugs are found in an area controlled or used exclusively by the student (e.g., student’s locker or desk).
  • Following an accident whose nature indicates impairment of ability or judgment or an incident in which safety precautions were violated or careless acts were performed.


Results of drug screening will be part of a student’s medical records and maintained in accordance with applicable U.S. Department of Education regulations and the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).


The company reserves the right to search any location on company facilities, including any desk, locker or vehicle which is on company property.



All disciplinary enforcement shall also be at the discretion of company management, and shall be based upon the severity of the offense and the actions of the student/employee with regard to the incident. The company shall be the sole judge of the sufficiency of evidence in such matters. When in the company’s opinion the evidence so warrants, the company may also bring the matter to the attention of appropriate law enforcement authorities.


The company reserves the right to make referrals to law enforcement authorities, and further may permit law enforcement officials to conduct random searches of the company’s facilities at the discretion of company management.


Disciplinary and administrative decisions shall be made in a manner consistent with applicable law. A disciplinary dismissal of a student is not appealable.



Links to agencies that help person suffering from addiction



The Ocean Corporation will grant transfer credit for previous training which is substantially equivalent to the training provided in the student’s chosen program. The Director of Training and the School Director grant this credit after an evaluation of previous training is completed, and any eligible tuition discount is applied accordingly. However, for The Ocean Corporation to efficiently evaluate previous training, it is necessary to receive all Post-secondary transcripts within 30 days of the class start date. After this time, credit for previous training will not be available. Students applying for Veterans benefits cannot be certified to receive VA benefits until all post-secondary transcripts are obtained, evaluated, and prior credit is reported to the Department of Veterans Affairs. In no case will The Ocean Corporation accept transfer credit for more than 50% of the course content in any program.

Transferability of Ocean Corporation Credits

The acceptance of the transfer of credits from The Ocean Corporation by another institution is solely at the discretion of the receiving institution. Students considering transferring credits to other institutions should consult with that institution to determine their policies, procedures, and willingness to accept credits from The Ocean Corporation.



The Ocean Corporation supports enforcement of copyright law for the protection of its employees as both creators and users of copyright protected works. The school requires that staff and students comply with federal law regarding the use of copyright protected materials.

Policy Basis

This policy is based upon the original Copyright Act of 1976 and the amendments added by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998.  This policy applies to all staff and students who make use of materials created by entities other than themselves. This includes but is not limited to materials used for classroom teaching, out of class presentations, online distribution, professional conferences, homework assignments, electronic transmission and for school publication.


Staff and students are expected to comply with copyright law and to apply the fair use criteria to each use of material of which they are not the originator.

Fair Use is the use of a copyrighted work for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research.

In determining whether the use made of a work is a “fair use”, the factors to be considered shall include:

  • The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for educational purposes;
  • The nature of the copyrighted work;
  • The amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole; and
  • The effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted work.

The school encourages staff and students to be diligent in the application of the fair use criteria. Through diligent application school constituents and the school avail themselves of protection from infringement by establishing “reasonable grounds for believing that his or her use of the copyrighted work was a fair use” according to Sections 107 and 504c of United States Code Title 17.


Unauthorized peer-to-peer file sharing, illegal downloading, or unauthorized distribution of copyrighted materials using the institution’s information technology system.

The only software programs, other than students’ projects, to be used on systems in the school are those products for which the school owns a valid license, or the school may legally use. Copying the school’s software from the computer system is considered theft and is a serious offense and is not permitted.

This concept is also applicable to music and video entertainment.  Students and employees at The Ocean Corporation are prohibited from using the school’s computers, networks, or other electronic devices for the purpose of illegally duplicating or sharing any copyrighted material.  This prohibition specifically includes downloaded or shared music, video, or other media files.  Students or employees who engage in the illegal duplication or distribution of such material using the school’s computers, networks, or other equipment are subject to disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, and may also be liable for civil and/or criminal penalties (see below).


Legal Issues Pertaining to Federal Copyright Laws

In compliance with the Section 512(2)(‘c)(‘2) of Chapter 5, Title 17 of United States Code, the school shall have a DESIGNATED AGENT “to receive notifications of claimed infringement” and “other contact information which the Register of Copyrights may deem appropriate.” The designated agent for the school will be the Compliance Officer.

Penalties for copyright infringement include civil and/or criminal penalties. In general, anyone found liable for civil copyright infringement may be ordered to pay either actual damages or “statutory” damages affixed at not less than $750 and not more than $30,000 per work infringed. For “willful” infringement, a court may award up to $150,000 per work infringed. A court can, in its discretion, also assess costs and attorneys’ fees. (See Title 17, United States Code, Sections 504 and 505)

Willful copyright infringement can also result in criminal penalties, including imprisonment of up to five years and fines of up to $250,000 per offense.

For more information, please see the Web site of the U.S. Copyright Office at  especially their FAQ’s at


The Ocean Corporation does not discriminate and will make reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. It should be noted that due to the technical nature of our programs, some places within our facilities are not accessible to mobility-impaired persons.


Students with disabilities who wish to enroll must be physically able to complete the training program with reasonable accommodations. Also, certain physical and intellectual abilities are bona fide occupational qualifications and thus certain disabilities might disqualify a student from any potential employment.


The Student Services Office can assist students and applicants with reasonable accommodations and can discuss employment opportunities for individuals with specific disabilities.


For more information concerning The Ocean Corporation’s facilities, accessibility, and reasonable accommodations, please contact the Student Services Office at 800-321-0298.




The Ocean Corporation encourages our students to be active participants in the American political system as a part of being responsible members of their community.



Perhaps the simplest and most effective way to participate in our society is to be an informed, participating voter. Ocean Corporation students are strongly encouraged to register and to vote in state and federal elections.


Voter Registration information for the State of Texas can be found at:


To register to vote in Texas, you must be:

  • A United States citizen;
  • A resident of the county where you submit the application;
  • At least 18 years old on Election Day;
  • Not a convicted felon (you may be eligible to vote if you have completed your sentence, probation, and parole); and
  • Not been declared by a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be either totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.



Each year, The Ocean Corporation celebrates Constitution Day on September 17 and offers activities to educate our students about the U.S. government and their individual role within it. We believe that in order for The Ocean Corporation to be a responsible part of our community, we should teach our students to do the same. If you would like to participate in planning our Constitution Day activities, please contact the Student Services Office.


“Student Right-to-Know” Act Disclosures

Information about the Graduation and Retention Rates for students previously enrolled at The Ocean Corporation posted at the College Navigator Website operated by The National Center for Education Statistics.

The National Center for Education Statistics – College Navigator website

The site also contains a great deal of additional data about The Ocean Corporation.


Student Enrollment/Diversity Data


Information about The Ocean Corporation’s enrollment statistics and history of student diversity can be found at the College Navigator Website operated by The National Center for Education Statistics.

The National Center for Education Statistics – College Navigator website

The site also contains a great deal of additional data about The Ocean Corporation.


The Ocean Corporation is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). ACCSC regulations require that prospective students are informed about the school’s Graduation Rates (the percentage of students who graduate compared to the number of students who started a specific program) and Employment Rates (the percentage of students who obtained employment in the field for which they were trained as compared to the number of graduates).


The following rates are for students who began classes from June 2021 through May 2022. The population base for each programs statistics are provided below.



Number of students who began training & were available to graduate:  70

Number of students who graduated:  56

Graduation Rate:  80%

Number of students who graduated & were available for employment:  56

Number of students confirmed to have obtained employment:  47

Employment Rate:  83.93%



Number of students who began training & were available to graduate:  121

Number of students who graduated:  96

Graduation Rate:  79.34%

Number of students who graduated & were available for employment:  96

Number of students confirmed to have obtained employment:  82

Employment Rate:  85.42%

Occasionally, there are circumstances beyond the students/graduates control that will not allow them to graduate or obtain gainful employment after graduation. These students are not included in the above calculations. The specific guidelines allowed by ACCSC are listed below for informational purposes:



This category removes from the graduation rate calculation students who fall into one of the following classifications: death, incarceration, active military service deployment, or the onset of a medical condition that prevents continued enrollment.



This category removes from the employment rate calculation graduates who fall into one of the following categories: death, incarceration, active military service deployment, the onset of a medical condition that prevents employment, or international students who have returned to their country of origin.


Student Complaint Policy

Students having a complaint or grievance with The Ocean Corporation should address their concerns to the Director of Training. Students who have not gained a satisfactory resolution after discussion with the Director of Training may direct their concerns to the school’s President. If the student’s issue is not resolved after exhausting both of these avenues, the student may pursue further grievance procedures through either the state regulatory agency and/or the national accrediting commission.


Schools accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges must have a procedure and operational plan for handling student complaints. If a student does not feel that the school has adequately addressed a complaint or concern, the student may consider contacting the Accrediting Commission. All complaints considered by the Commission must be in written form, with permission from the complainant(s) for the Commission to forward a copy of the complaint to the school for a response. The complainant(s) will be kept informed as to the status of the complaint as well as the final resolution by the Commission. Please direct all inquiries to:

 Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges 

2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302

Arlington, VA 22201

(703) 247-4212


Regarding The Ocean Corporation’s state regulatory agency, any unresolved grievances should be reported to the following agency:

Texas Workforce Commission, Career Schools and Colleges

101 East 15th Street

Austin, Texas 78778 

The Texas Workforce Commission (TWC) assigned school number is: S0227.


A copy of the State’s and/or Commission’s complaint form is available at the school and may be obtained by contacting the Compliance Officer.


The Ocean Corporation is committed to equal access to facilities, programs, admission, and employment for all persons.  It is the policy of the school to maintain an environment free of discrimination and free of harassment against any person because of race, age, ancestry, color, national origin, religion, creed, service in the uniformed services (as defined in state and federal law), veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, marital or family status, pregnancy, pregnancy-related conditions, mental or physical disability, gender, perceived gender, gender identity, genetic information or political ideas and affiliations.  Discriminatory conduct and harassment, as well as relationship violence and sexual misconduct, violates the dignity of individuals, impedes the realization of the school’s educational mission, and will not be tolerated.   To file a report of discrimination and sexual misconduct please contact the Title IX Coordinator, Janie Ramos at This email is monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.